From Mizahar Lore
Out of character note: Please note that all Isur are born with the first mark of Izurdin and thus possess the gnosis of Izentor. |
![]() Isur, Children of the Mountains | |
Height | 5' both male and female |
Weight | Males: 200-250lbs, Females: 150-200lbs |
Lifespan | 200 years |
Major features | Pale blue skin veined in silver, colored stone-like arms |
Abilities | Nightvision, dense flesh and bone, innate crafting ability |
Population | Around 15,000 |
Most common in | Primarily in the mountains of Kalea, small outposts in |
Reputation | Respected for their crafting ability |
Racial gods | Izurdin, God of Strength, Patience and Industry |
Racial bonus | +10 Blacksmithing, Special |
The Isur are one of the most resilient and industrious races in Mizahar. Strong and sometimes stubborn; tough as their mountain homes, the Isur have endured the Valterrian better than most. In fact, many structures still standing after the great conflict are the products of the Isur. In these works, the hard work, passion and patience inherent in the Isur shine.
To outsiders, the Isur appear as a unified race that exemplifies strength and cohesion. To the individual Isur however, this is perhaps the furthest from the truth. Although they do stand strong and unified against common threats, the Isur often find themselves at odds with one another just like any other race. Due to their relatively long lifespan, they do not quickly forget or forgive slights which over time have helped to create great rifts between various Isur factions. Although prone to internal conflict, the Isur still maintain a strong dedication to their clans which form the heart of their society.
Contents |
A long life and a fit body.]]Although maintaining the some of the only known remnants of ancient artifacts left in Mizahar, the earliest myths and legends of the Isur are awash in conflicting stories. To outsiders, the common belief is that the Isur were once humans who at some point in ages past, dabbled too deeply in dark, forbidden uses of Djed. In their folly, they forever merged themselves with the very mountains in which they call home. To Isur however, this belief is insulting and one which they strongly deny. The Isur believe that they are the offspring of a divine bloodline sired by an ancient god, Izurdin. Whatever the truth of their origins, it is true that they are children of the mountains; strong, unyielding and patient.
Before the Valterrian, the Isur lived in the region known now as Kalea. At that time, the Isur were a subterranean race living in grand cities beneath the surface. Great industry was found in these underground cities and countless works of Isurian craft were produced and traded/sold to those living on the surface. The demand for their works brought the Isur great wealth and prosperity. Izurith City, named after the first Isurian King, was the center of trade for the entire region. It was one of the only Isurian settlements where the Isur lived both above ground and below. King Izurith ruled the entire Isurian race from the city and was considered a just and wise man by Isur and non-Isur alike. So then began the Isur; a wealthy, prosperous and admired race that constructed many of the grand structures and crafts present during a much brighter time.
Then there was the Valterrian. It is falsely believed by many surface-dwellers that the Isur fared far better than most when the land was shattered due to their subterranean existence. Although it is true that many people fled the devastation above ground by finding refuge below, the Kalea region endured a drastic transformation. Before the Valterrian, the region was blanketed hills with a scattering of young mountain peaks that made up the Kitrean Mountain Range. When the divine war spilled down upon Mizahar, these young mountains and hills erupted. The land split and new mountains tore their way to the surface in a fiery display of destruction. The once great Isurian cities were shattered and ripped apart. In the city of Izurith, a volcano erupted from the city center and laid waste to everything else. Although many of the Isur living above ground were able to escape the initial devastation, those living below were not so lucky.
King Sultros survived the destruction of his city however and led his remaining people to the only place he felt they could find safety in, the mountains. Though far from being a safe refuge from the Valterrian, the mountains were their best hope as the rest of the land was engulfed in fire and uncontrolled Djed. The pre-existing mountain peaks of the Kitrean Mountains held up surprisingly well while the land around them split and new mountains came into existence. It was after a grueling journey to the old mountains and after greater losses of life due to hunger, injury and the violent twisting of the land around them, that King Sultros finally found safety for his people in isolated peaks of the Kitreans.
The Isurians were not a people who gave up easily. Even after losing so much, the survivors wasted little time in rebuilding. When the destructive forces calmed and the dust began to settle, the Isur remained in the mountains. As more time passed, a new city was built, Sultros, named after the king who led the survivors to safety. Built inside what became known as, Mt. Izurith, Sultros was far from the grand creation that Izurith was before it although it held just as much significance in the hearts and minds of the surviving Isur. On top of Mt. Izurith, a large, formidable citadel was constructed to create some connection with the outside world although unlike before, this connection was not as welcoming. The citadel was built as a symbol of strength and endurance, a symbol of the Isur’s defiance against any who would attempt to bring them down. They saw the Valterrian as an attempt by the enemies of their lord, Izurdin, to destroy his children. Because of this, the demeanor of the Isur changed from one of openness to that of a cold, withdrawn people. They now see themselves as a civilization scorned by the outside world and betrayed by the gods, save for their lord, Izurdin who they praise with renewed faith and love for having delivered them from annihilation.
Physical Appearance
Isur tend to be short but very muscular. They stand around 5 feet tall and their muscular build can make them physically imposing despite their height. Male Isur tend to weigh anywhere between 200 and 250 pounds while females weigh between 150 and 200 pounds. They have very dense skin as well as a dense bone structure which combined with their enhanced musculature make them weigh more than they may appear. Their skin color is pale with slight blue coloring with what appears to be veins of silver running all over their bodies. These veins stand out slightly from the skin and are very smooth in texture. All Isur, male and female, have a slight bony ridge stretches from one side of their face to the other just above their eyes and over the bridge of their nose. This tends to give them a dourer look that further adds to their cold demeanor. Their eye colors are usually dark brown and sometimes green. Their hair is often short or at least kept tied back as long hair would interfere with their work. They do not care much for facial hair beyond the occasional goatee and their hair color ranges from a strawberry blond to deep red. Bluish tinted dark hair is also common. Their hair maintains much of its color as they reach old age and there are very few instances of bald Isur. Females and males are alike in their preferences for how they wear their hair although females are more likely to decorate theirs with beads and other fine ornamentation.
The physical feature that brings the most attention and the one the Isur are most known for is their arm. From birth, one of the Isur’s arms; left for males, right for females, begins to take on a greater density than the rest of their body. As they age, this density increases and the skin coloration changes thus that the arm of an adult Isur looks similar to a smooth gemstone with silvered veins running over the surface. The Isur view their arms as gifts from their god; blessings for their devotion and it is with these arms that the Isur produce some of the greatest crafts the world has ever seen. The flesh and bone is so dense that the Isur can actually forge weapons and carve into wood and stone without the need for tools. Literally with their bare hand, they shape metal, cut wood and carve stone. The arm is so durable that when an Isur engages in combat, they use their arm as a shield and may even use it to grab the blades of weapons without suffering harm. Due to their creative nature and their use of the arm in their work, many Isur learn to manipulate Djed in a way to enhance their creations.
Isurian Arm
The Isurian arm is a most unique creation. It is the arm that serves as the primary connection between the isur and Izurdin and bares the first mark of Izurdin at the shoulder. The arm itself grants the isur the unique ability to manipulate wood, stone and metal in a way similar to working with simple clay. The arm itself possesses strength equal to twice that of a strong human while the arm's grip itself is like a metal vise capable of crushing bone with little effort. This only applies to the single arm however.
How it Works
The arm can manipulate raw, unworked stone and wood like clay. Wood can be stripped of bark simply by running the hand or fingers of the arm over the surface and material can be pushed, pulled, twisted and removed in a similar manner. The actual structure of the wood does not change and is only pliable when manipulated with the isurian arm. When the isur is finished shaping the wood, it maintains its original strength though its texture may be smooth or rough depending on how the isur manipulated it. Note that in the absence of any sculpting skill or formalized tools, the final wood product will be very simplistic and equivalent to a clay or mud project crafted by a young child, regardless of the number of marks the isur possesses from Izurdin.
With stone, the isur may also manipulate it just as if it were clay. The composition of the stone itself does not change thus when it is no longer being manipulated, it maintains its original hardness. Unlike clay however, material cannot be added to the stone. The isur may only push, pull, twist and remove material. Just as with wood, the absence of sculpting skills and/or formalized tools will result in a a final product comparable to that crafted by a young child. The types of stone that can be manipulated are those that do not include gemstones or jewels. Thus an isur could not shape an emerald with their hand but they could shape a piece of granite.
In regards to metals, the isur can manipulate them in a way similar to how they manipulate wood and stone however most metals should be heated beforehand else they may become brittle and/or break. Unlike wood and stone, metals may be combined as if they were two or more pieces of clay being blended together. The fact that all isur possess knowledge of blacksmithing, they are able to manipulate metals with a bit more finesse. Sculpting skills still help and tools are still required for detailed work but metals can be pushed, pulled, twisted, removed and added to just like clay as long as they are heated. Often, the isur may use their finger-nails to add more detail or precision to their work and they may use their arm as a forge hammer if the tool itself is unavailable though the final product is still a bit rough. The types of metals that may be manipulated in this manner are limited to the isur's level of Izentor. This trumps their blacksmithing skill only in the types of metals they can manipulate. Blacksmithing skill is still required in order to use tools to detail and further refine manipulated products of varying types of material. Thus, an isur with a single mark of Izurdin could manipulate iron, brass and bronze. If the same isur had a competent level in the blacksmithing skill, they could still work with copper, silver, steel and cold iron but could not manipulate such metals with their arm alone.
Already worked items of wood, stone and metal may be manipulated as well but only if the isur possesses enough marks to equal the skill level of the craftsman who created the item. For example, if an isur with a single mark of Izurdin wished to manipulate the wood of a door crafted by a competent carpenter, they could not do so. However, if the isur had two marks of Izurdin, they could. Material or items enhanced with magic or gnosis adds the skill level of the mage or the number of marks granted to it to the level of its craftsmanship in regards to withstanding manipulation by an isur. For example, a magecrafted dagger baring a gnosis mark crafted by a competent magecrafter would be the equivalent of a Master level when considering whether or not the isur has an arm powerful enough to manipulate it.
The arm may also be used as a blunt weapon or type of shield in battle. The arm itself cannot be damaged by anything short of a god's champion or a god themselves. It cannot be cut, dented, bruised or otherwise broken. If used as a weapon to strike another, it acts as a metal club. Following the rules mentioned above, the arm may damage metal weapons that either strike it or are struck by it if the level of the arm is high enough to otherwise manipulate the material used in the crafting of the weapon. So if an isur with two marks of Izurdin blocks a strike from a steel sword, that sword may end up dulled, chipped, or even broken at the point of impact. If an isur with a single mark were to be hit in the arm by the same sword, the sword would act as if it had struck another metal item.
While the arm cannot be damaged by anything short of near divinity, it can still be severed at the shoulder where it meets flesh. If this were to happen, the arm immediately loses all properties and becomes little more than a hunk of iron vaguely shaped like an arm baring only the slightest of auras that would identify it as having once been a part of an isur. The isur's mark of Izurdin reappears on their other shoulder however their link to Izurdin is severely damaged. These isur find themselves experiencing severe bouts of depression, rage and emptiness.
Items crafted only through manipulating material with the arm (no tools + no skill) are worth very little as far as trade and sale is concerned. Their value is half of what it would normally be. Tools and skill used along with manipulation will not increase the value of an item but they will make the process of construction easier.
Common traits
Although there are a variety of noble families, all Isur share a set of common traits that set them apart from other races. Most would agree that, in general, Isur seem to be cold, withdrawn, and difficult to get to know. They can be a bit more amiable though when it comes to discussing architecture, smithing, or some other type of crafting trade. On the whole though, they usually appear disgusted and sometimes saddened with the world. To close friends and family however, they are known to be much different. Their cold and withdrawn demeanor has become ingrained and passed down from parent to child since the Valterrian and is a sort of defense against what they see as possible betrayal. It is often difficult for an outsider to befriend an Isur but those who do create this bond of friendship discover a bond as strong as the mountains themselves.
Though still scarred from their near destruction, Isur remain a passionate people. Every individual expresses this in a different way however but it is still the underlying nature of all Isur; something that was never extinguished. Whether it is a passion for life, passion for their god, a passion for power or a passion for their work, every Isur has something to which they are devoted. They invest their entire being into this passion which is probably why they were so affected by the loss brought on by the Valterrian.
One thing that all Isur are known for is being industrious. There is no such thing as a lazy Isur. To them, hard work and creation is the key to overcoming all that may attempt to bring them down. Thus the product of their work is made all the more precious.
Isur also have a rather well developed sense of direction which allows them to more easily navigate underground tunnels. Their vision is also well adapted to the absence of light which enables them to see in near total darkness up to a distance of a few yards.
Isur are generally cold and withdrawn. When it comes to their own people though, they carry fierce devotion their family and clan. They will defend their people and their home to the death. The Isur see the world as a land that has forsaken them although they yearn to mold it into a beautiful form that it once was. To outsiders, they appear as introverts. Most Isur prefer only minor association with the outside world at best while others prefer to remain completely isolated; never wishing to see again the light of day. Although they make amazing trading partners, most Isur rarely venture far from the mountains. In general, the Isur feel they deserve the best for what they do. They enjoy the finer things in life and are not ashamed to show off. They have the general feeling that they are better than non-Isur and cite their craftsmanship and even their very bodies as proof. Isur are not modest and may even flaunt their physique in public by wearing only the barest of clothing essentials. They do however carry a strong sense of personal honor and hold strong resentment at even the smallest slight.
Unfortunately for the Isur, their industrious nature, display of superiority and secrecy of their mountain homes lead many outsiders to believe that they bare hidden troves of wealth and knowledge deep within the mountains. This belief has led many a foolish raiding party into the mountains only to never be seen again.
Isur are highly devoted to the god, Izurdin who they say teaches them to be honorable, respectful and to view each other as brothers and sisters in all things. This view only carries to other Isur as outsiders are seen as unworthy of such appreciation. If treated with honor and respect however, an Isur may return this upon an outsider yet only if that outsider continues to prove themselves as individuals deserving of the Isur’s respect.
Reproduction & Aging
Isur are a relatively long-lived race compared to humans; living up to 200 years of age. Because of this they age roughly twice as slow as the average human with adulthood being reached between 40 and 50 years old with old age setting in at around 125-150 years.
Isur develop at half the pace of the average humans thus pregnancy for a female Isur lasts around 18 months. Children also develop at half the human rate with childhood lasting until around 30 years of age. Adolescence continues from there for another 10-20 years before reaching adulthood. From birth, the Isur's skin and bones begins to grow more dense with each passing year while either their right or left arm, depending on gender, grows deeper in color based on their bloodline. By the time the Isur reaches adulthood, their skin is dense enough to resist scratching and bruising and the chance of breaking a bone at any point in their life is almost nil.
Social Structure
An Isur’s life revolves around his clan and his place in it. There are only a handful of clans remaining after the Valterrian yet their influence on individual Isur is great. Each of the five remaining clans is led by the Isur with a claim to a bloodline closest to that of Izurith, Himself and make up the Isurian Kingdom. These noble Isur carry the title of Lord and represent their clan in the Isurian Council of Five. The original council was known as the Isurian Council of Ten although the remaining clans were all but wiped out during the Valterrian. In the city of Sultros stands the Hall of Lords where ten chairs sit in addition to the King’s chair. Although five of these chairs remain empty, there are hopes that one day the Council of Ten may be rebuilt from the ashes of the past.
The King of the Isur is the one who rightfully claims the bloodline closest to Izurdin. With most records of heritage now lost, those of the Sultros family are the ones closest to Izurdin and thus carry the royal blood. The other Lords are also descendants of the known noble families and thus their offspring will carry on their titles.
Each clan maintains its own citadel in the old Kitrean mountains. These citadels are located between five and ten days from one another and operate as a self-sufficient, fortified city with Sultros being the largest. Although led by specific clans, members of all clans can be found living in each citadel. This is a change from the past when most clans did not intermingle with each other nearly as much.
Sultros Clan - The Sultros clan is considered the ruling clan of the Isur; the one carrying divine blood. They carry themselves as noble and commanding and are expert engineers and architects. They are responsible for the majority of the construction of the city of Sultros. They lead the remains of the Isur nation from that city. Due to their nature, they are often found in positions of influence and leadership. The color of their arms are almost always some variation of red which they claim is proof of the God’s blood running through their veins. The Lord of the Sultros clan is also the King of the Isur.
Vizerian Clan - The Vizerian clan is a zealous clan baring a strong love for religion. This devotion sometimes creates conflict as some of them feel it should give them more sway in the Council of Five than the other clans. As a whole, the Vizerian do carry a strong respect for law and order and thus they are often found in related positions. It is members of this clan who were able to rescue fragments of ancient knowledge and crafts from their ancestral home before its destruction during the Valterrian. Now afraid of the implications such items could have on the rest of their society, these artifacts are hidden deep within their clan citadel and locked away from even their own members. Their arms are usually some variation of blue.
Coglias Clan - Coglias clan has traditionally been the protectors of the Isurian race. Many of the Coglias clan can be found serving in the Isurian military. It is said that after the Valterrian, it was the legendary, Lord Myrian Coglias himself who single-handedly defeated a powerful minion of the dark gods and then laid claim to the mountain that would come to house the Coglias citadel. Even today, Coglias soldiers are some of the fiercest fighters and most disciplined officers in the Isurian military. Their arms are usually some variation of green.
Terras Clan - The Terras clan is the only clan in existence that has been traditionally led by females. Those born to the founding family and its descendants are almost always female. Thus throughout the ages, the daughters of Terras have led the clan. Members of the Terras clan, male or female, are found performing a variety of tasks throughout the Isurian Kingdom. They also tend to possess a natural skill for smithing and their work can be found in all of the Isur citadels. Though males do of course exist in the Terras clan, they almost always married into the clan as a rare few are born. Their arms are usually some variation of purple.
Pitrius Clan - The Pitrius clan is perhaps the smallest of the remaining Isurian clans. They are however the most skilled in the manipulation and use of Djed which in the Council of Five, more than makes up for their lack of size and overall influence. Their members are often found as advisors or scholars and it is in the Pitrius citadel where the Silver Tower is located. Built through the manipulation of Djed, the tower walls are made of pure silver. It is here where Isur come to learn the secrets of Djed beyond simple enchantments. Few outside the clan are accepted for training at the Tower as they work hard to maintain this symbol of clan power. Their arms are usually black, making the silver veins stand out even more.
The Lost Clans
Hundir Clan – The Hundir clan was wiped out during the Valterrian. No known members of this clan remain. Their arms were usually some variation of orange.
Jiathu Clan – The Jiathu clan survived the Valterrian but the survivors eventually fell to a strange disease before they could finish their citadel. It now sits in ruins several miles to the south of Sultros. No Isur has gone there in quite some time out of fear of the disease they feel may still remain. Their arms were usually some variation of brown.
Viceren Clan - Rumors exist that of the Viceren clan having survived the Valterrian. It is believed that they may still inhabit their collapsed warrens deep beneath the surface what once was one of the outlying cities connected to Izurith. These rumors cannot be confirmed but scouts who have ventured near the remains of the old city report seeing glimpses of what they thought to be Isur with deep gray arms but with blackened veins instead of silver. The Viceren clan was known to have deep gray arms and bright silver veins.
Uluth Clan – The Uluth clan was destroyed by infighting. Their clan leaders had gone mad from the devastation of the Valterrian and brought on a civil war within their own clan during the journey from the ruined city of Izurith to the new mountain home of the Isur. Any Uluth who survived the internal conflict have since been absorbed into other clans and have forsaken their former one. Their arms were usually some variation of yellow with any existing Uluth descendants having gradually taken on colors of other clans. Although quite rare, there have been instances of babies born with arms tinted yellow in more recent times. These children are very special and highly regarded among the Isur as they are a sign that the Kingdom of old still exists, if only in dreams. This perspective is reinforced by the fact that these children usually receive a mar from Nysel, God of Dreams, at some point in their early life. Highly spiritual and in-tune with themselves and their surroundings, the Lost Children of Uluth are a rare gem indeed. (With Help Desk Approval, a starting PC may begin as an Isur of the Uluth Clan. Through a flashback thread, they may also gain the Dreamwalking gnosis.)
Kladil Clan – The Kladil clan vanished in the days following the Valterrian. They were a proud clan who chose to remain to themselves instead of siding with the other surviving clans. Their folly was pivotal in bringing the others together. Their arms were usually some shade of gray.
Isur, by default, begin play with a +10 racial bonus to Blacksmithing as their starting racial skill. That said, individual clans may choose to substitute their Blacksmithing bonus for a different skill. This alternate skill is clan specific and leaves the character either choosing Blacksmithing OR the other clan skill. If the character chooses the clan skill, they DO NOT get the Blacksmithing but are be required to assign one of their starting Lores to Basic Blacksmithing Techniques. This Lore would not allow them to do what they would otherwise be able to do with the skill of Blacksmithing but gives a foundation from which the character could acquire the full skill as a teach-yourself type of deal. Essentially, the character has the basic knowledge needed to get started in full smithing but not be able to perform like they would if they had the skill itself.
The following is a list of alternate skills that may be chosen based on clan:
Sultros - Natural Leaders and Politicians Alternative Skills: Leadership, Negotiation, Politics
Vizerian - Religious, Devoted to Education and Justice Alternative Skills: Investigation, Persuasion, Teaching
Coglias - Natural Warriors and Epitome of Isur Strength Alternative Skills: Wrestling, Boxing, Bodybuilding
Terras - Exceptional Crafters and Smiths Alternative Skills: Armorer, Leatherworking, Weaponsmithing
Pitrius - Proficient Mages and Advisors Alternative Skills: Magecrafting, Philtering, Intelligence
All Isur share a common language although the clans still maintain some of their former dialect. The language itself has changed little over time. It is a rather cold sounding language even when spoken passionately and fluently. There is no real Isurian alphabet as they use a system of runes. There are many different runes all with their own meaning. Every family has its own rune as does every clan. Those who attain great prestige through displays of skill or leadership may also gain a personal rune which may evolve into a family rune. Most Isurian crafts also bare family and/or clan runes. Although there do remain some fragments of ancient Isurian lore, these are fragmented at best. The most widely known and valued fragment of this long lost lore is Izurian, a religious text that sets down all of the rules and laws as dictated to the first child of Izurdin, King Izurith. Over the past 500 years however, the Vizerian clan has protected the Izurian as well as begun documenting the lives of the race as a whole in an attempt to rebuild their written history.
The Isurian language is unknown to anyone but Isur who use it amongst themselves. It is designed for use in their various industrial and crafting ventures as it allows easy communication while revealing great amounts of detail and precision. Other languages, those spoken by outsiders, have found their way into the Isurian culture although it is primarily used by those Isur who work and live in the fortified trading posts and farms of the foothills.
Isur names are always tied to their family and their clan. Individual names are given at birth and usually represent an aspect of their clan values. For example, members of clan Vizerian usually have a name somehow associated with the god, Izurith. Male names often end in ‘os’, ‘ir’, ‘er’ or ‘on’ while female names usually end in ‘i’, ‘il’, ‘el’ or ‘an’. Thus a member of the Soltros clan may have a name like, Mandonir Ironhand Soltros. Mandonir is their personal name, Ironhand their family name and Sultros their clan name. A female member of the Terras clan may have the name Illuni Blade Terras. When dealing with outsiders, most Isur do not give others the pleasure of knowing their clan name; reserving that for other Isur. Thus they would only use their personal name and family name.
Family Life
The majority of Isur spend their lives in their mountain homes. They work the forges, build, craft and create for their family and clan. They grow up, find a mate, raise a family and spend their final days looking forward to meeting their God. While seemingly cold and aloof in nature, the Isur are quite defensive when their personal lives are involved. The idea of love is a private thing that is not brought up in the company of outsiders although it is a bit more freely spoken of among other Isur. Most Isur find suitable mates in their adolescence and males must work hard to impress females. In a society made up of beautiful people of great strength and skill, this can be difficult. This is where the males display their ability in a variety of ways depending on the female’s interests. If a female is looking for physical might in a husband, they may expect some display of such in order to be impressed. If crafting skill is what is sought, then the male will be required to produce a grand work to impress his potential mate. Isur mate for life; once married they will stay with their spouse until death.
Isur tradition requires that their dead receive the greatest of honor and respect. This is clear in their burials which are almost always attended by large crowds of friends and family. The deceased is buried in the family tomb often with some of their greatest creations entombed with them. The tombs are located in the citadel of the clan the deceased was a part of. One the anniversary of one’s death, family members will celebrate their loved one’s life by dedicating some creation or great deed to that person.
Everyday Life
The lives of the Isur and what they do with them varies by clan although it is common among all clans that children, from an early age, are introduced to the forge and to crafting in general. All Isur value appearance and put much effort into looking good and appearing to have the best. The Sultras are leaders and engineers. They are responsible for things such as aqueducts, lifts and reinforced tunnels that make up the various Isur citadels. The citadels themselves, both outside structure and subterranean complex came from the minds and arms of the Sultras. The Vizerian clan involves religion in their everyday lives. From a very young age, they are taught the importance of Izurdin. Their lives are filled with rituals, sacraments, ceremonies and rights of passage all in the name of Izurdin before they even reach adulthood. Children are educated in the ways of crafting and receive religious education from a very early age. Members of the Coglias clan spend a good part of their days training and practicing their skills. Most Coglias families have equipment to help exercise and hone their martial skills. As for the Terras clan, the forge is their lives thus families spend most of their day there with their children all taking part in the creation process. Finally, for the Pitrius clan, the acquisition of scholarly knowledge as well as gaining a further understanding in the use of Djed is their priority in life. Much of the day is spent pouring over writings and experimentation.
Art & Industry
The Isur were once the masters of technology. Their cities housed wonders that most outsiders could only dream of. Although the Valterrian destroyed all of that, present-day Isur have come a long way in rebuilding what they once had. A fraction of the way there, they nonetheless possess great works of talent and skill. Their citadels alone are feats of architecture and engineering that outsiders can only marvel at. Grand tunnels stretching for miles beneath the surface and into the mountains connect the various clan citadels to one another and allow relatively safe travel from one to the other. Magnificent lifts and sturdy stone bridges allow easy traversing of caverns and underground lakes while nearly every structure is durable enough to shrug off the occasional earthquake that sometimes rattles its way through the mountains. A vast complex of ventilation shafts allows the heat and smoke from the forges to escape harmlessly outside.
Although their citadels are isolated from the outside world, there are smaller forts and trading posts located in the foothills of the mountains where the Isur do engage in some amount of trade. These trading posts are effectively small, heavily fortified castles built to protect the small but growing trade industry from barbarian attacks. Here, outsiders may actually trade coin, goods and materials for Isurian crafts. Isurian weapons are some of the highest priced and high quality available in Mizahar as are pieces of Isurian armor and almost any other item they produce. From this trade, the Isur are able to gain supplies that they normally are unable to attain due to their isolated homes.
The Isur are not without the ability to be self-sufficient. Deep within the mountains, the Isur farm various molds and fungus that they then turn into dishes they find quite delicious. In scattered farms in the lower foothills, small Isurian villages grow and provide all manner of vegetable and livestock for the citadels. In addition, hunting of wild game is also a popular sport as well as essential source of food. Isurians engage in hunting using only their own physical might and cunning to bring down large game. Although this form of hunting began around the time the Isur emerged from the mountains following the Valterrian as one of their only means of finding food, it has since become something a sport and a way to prove to each other their own strength and skill.
As mentioned, the Isur are a highly devoted race who worships the God, Izurdin. Although it is the Vizerian clan who claim the greatest devotion, all Isur incorporate religion to some degree into their daily lives. Even after the Valterrian, the Isur did not abandon Izurdin but instead embraced him even more. Many even see working the forges or building grand works of art as a religious experience. Most Isur observe various religious holidays and ceremonies with weddings, naming ceremonies of newborns and artifact blessing and dedications being the most common. They view their God, Izurdin, as the God of Strength, Patience and Industry. Statues and symbols of Izurdin can be seen in all of the Isurian citadels, outlying farms and trading posts. Every Isurian home bares his symbol above the main entrance and blessings are prayed for each night.
Clerics of Izurdin are held in high esteem and are leaders second only to the royal family of the Sultros clan.
Some of the more mundane parts of isurian life are tied to their faith. For example, the very nature of building, crafting and creating is considered a religious offering to Izurdin. Working in the forge is akin to a religious experience as many isur engage in such things a way of being closer to the Divine Father. During such tasks, an isur will often speak out loud to Izurdin as if having a conversation. On rare occasions, Izurdin may speak back through guiding the isur's hand in just the right way or sparking some inspiration. Never are his responses blatant or even all that noticeable yet the isur will always attribute their skill and success to him.
Another form of religious offering is the fact that most isur, even in the cool depths of their subterranean realm, do little to cover their bodies. As physical perfection is one of the greatest forms of worship to Izurdin, the isur will often wear little more than a pair of trousers or a skirt for clothing. Their bodies are well adjusted to living underground and the cool temperatures have no real affect on them. Showing off their physiques is a way of saying just how proud they are of being children of Izurdin. Even those isur who live outside the Kingdom pay little mind to modesty. To outsiders this may seem as showing off or a form of narcissism but in fact it is simply the isur being isur. They know they are stronger and more beautiful than most races and thus have no real comprehension of jealousy or modesty among outsiders. Covering one's body out of modesty or in avoidance of offending others just doesn't cross an isur's mind and they have a hard time comprehending it. Even scars are not hidden as they are a sign of service to Izurdin. Many an isur accent their scars with religious themed tattoos with some Coglias warriors being covered in both scars and elaborate tattoos.
The isur also see signs and omens in many aspects of life. An unexpected, beneficial occurrence will often be seen as a sign of Izurdin's satisfaction and/or approval. Negative things will often be seen as a sign that the isur needs to strive harder for perfection. Proving one's self to Izurdin and displaying just how much they embrace his teachings is a driving force in the life of the isur and whatever they can do to be more like him, they will work for to the extreme.
Important NPC's
King Isengir Izurus Sultros - King Sultros
King Aronis Izurus Sultros - Isur King
Lord Pitrius - Vlados Slythe Pitrius
Lord Vizerian - Kylonir Ironsoul Vizerian
Lady Terras - Rylil Stonesculpt Terras
Lord Coglias - Targin Boneshatter Coglias