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Yno of the Blackened Claws
Date of birth441 AV (aged 82)
Place of birthTaloba
TitleMistress of the Runes for the Blackened Claws
Gnosis marks

Though not as widely understood as the Power of the Bones, the Power of the Runes is a key part of Blackened Claws culture, albeit a less solemn one. One could hardly call Yno solemn, at least: she is very much active in the clan’s day-to-day affairs, offering guidance as requested and advice as she sees fit. Although not overly talkative, she is a lot more outgoing than the stern Wera, whom she teases frequently.

Responsibilities for the Mistress of the Runes are straightforward for the most part. She is charged with making sure that the Glyphed barriers surrounding the longhouse and zoo are maintained so that the djed which surrounds their places of study and practice does not risk fluctuating. She is also charged with teaching her crafts to those who choose to be her students, and as a subset of this she is to use her glyphing to help young students better practice Morphing and have greater ease manipulating their own djed. If anything particularly magical in nature is brought to the longhouse, she is to contain and examine it. She too produces works for sale in the Taloban market for the benefit of the clan, scrolls and other Glyphed objects that one might find useful.