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Date of birth489 AV (aged 34)
Place of birthMura
TitleThe Moon
Fortune Telling20

The moon at Mura's house of cards.


A shorter woman of about five feet and three inches in height, with an average frame and build. Dark hair often kept tied back in a tight ponytail, and simple garb. Dark eyes, and pale skin, reflective of the moon. A face and arms dotted with freckles, of a rather dark, brownish-red shade.


Rather young at heart, most would say that Silvana is both playful and unrealistic. Willing to chace after fantasy, dreams which are oft little more than fleeting. Also, like a child, she is nearly fearless. Willing to speak her mind, and try out just about anything that seems as though it may be a good time. She is all about pushing past fear and anxiety in order to achieve happiness. But oftentimes, doesn't mind all the consequences of her actions, or possible consequences, before she partakes in her fun. At other times, she simply views things in the wrong way, a distorted manner, which can cloud her judgment.