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Ravok Songs and Stories

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Ravok Songs and Stories

Ol' Rhysol's Ravok

There’s an ear in the shadow and an eye in the lock,
and the words you said are rumors new
‘cause we all want to see what She’ll do to you
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

There’s an old boatsman, down ‘tween the docks,
who’ll get you where you’d like to go,
and he’ll throw you out for less than a gold
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

There’s a sweet young girl, with bold black locks,
and eyes so bright and pretty good rack;
she’s a knife in her fist and it’s in your back
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

There’s a clergyman you ought not mock,
don’t call him a snake or a fake or a cad;
got a tongue the kind of silver that’ll make you mad
In ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

And there’s a fine ol’ city in the middle of the loch,
watched and ruled by the greatest of the gods!
He loves us and protects us against the odds:
It’s ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!
Ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

Created by - Victor Lark

Crows of Ravok

Watch the crows fly over Ravok
Keep your children safe and warm
Let them know that our fair Rhysol
Protects the city with every storm!

Teach them well that he is gracious
He’ll protect them all their lives
He is watching Ravok’s sons,
Husbands, daughters, and wives!

And when the lake is churning
And the sun turns but to black
Let them know that all is good
For Rhysol is back!

He has come to hang our enemies
To turn this world around
Children, watch the Ebonstryfe
Burn our foes to the ground!

So, keep watch for the crows of Ravok
Teach your children that they are great
They’ll clean the bones of our enemies
‘Tis Rhysol’s Ravok’s fate!

Created by - Ireth Telemnar

I Worship Rhysol

A pox upon Priskil, to Hai with Yahal,
Rak'keli can rot, I worship Rhysol!

Let Gnora know chaos, turn Semele to glass,
Let Zulrav's hot air blow out Uphis' ass.
Make boots out of Siku, she's good for no more,
As a rug, Oriana will grace Rhysol's floor.
Give Navre a flea bath in Laviku's tub.
Give Aquiras a *back door to join Sylir's club. (*rude "back door" gesture brings a bawdy cheer)

A pox upon Priskil, to Hai with Yahal,
Rak'keli can rot, I worship Rhysol!

Pluck Eywaat and Caiyha, ne'er one will be missed,
Let Nikali and Cheva enjoy a last tryst.
Teach Eyris a lesson, the harshest one yet,
One even Qalaya will pray to forget.
May Myri join Ruros in Dira's cold hall,
Strip Ionu, *and let's find out once and for all. ("Limp-wristed" gesture brings another derisive cheer)

A pox upon Priskil, to Hai with Yahal,
Rak'keli can rot, I worship Rhysol!

Avalis and Morwen, Syna and Leth,
As well, the twin cowards, Wysar and Tyveth.
The rest are not worthy, their names to be told,
Before Rhysol's glory, their flames have gone cold.
Only Krysus and Ssena, Sagallius and Vayt,
Are worthy of Rhysol's *conquering sect. (*fist pump brings a hostile cheer)

A pox upon Priskil, to Hai with Yahal,
Rak'keli can rot, I worship Rhysol!

So know thee, that chaos is nature's prime state,
And worship its master before it's too late.
Or join the pretenders in imminent fall,
As they beg boons of Kelwyn, lost causes, them all.

A pox upon Priskil, to Hai with Yahal,
Rak'keli can rot, I worship Rhysol!

Created by - Inoadar

Rhsyol Loves Me

Rhsyol loves me this I know
For the Black Sun tells me so
Little ones to him belong
They are weak but he is strong

Yes, Rhysol loves me
Yes, Rhysol loves me
Yes, Rhysol loves me
The Black Sun tells me so

Adapted by Prophet