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Price list (Taverns and lodging)

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Legend: gm = gold Miza, sm = silver Miza, cm = copper Miza

1 gold Miza = 10 silver Miza = 100 copper Miza

Taverns, Inns and Lodging

Item Price Item Price Item Price
Ale, Gallon 2 sm Ale, Mug 4 cm Banquet (per person) 10 gm
Bread, per loaf 2 cm Cheese, hunk of 1 sm Companionship Inns and taverns across the land offer male/female companionship for a price. This can be as simple as time spent with someone for the sake of talking, spending time together and providing basic company to more exotic, erotic, romantic/sexual themes (prostitution) Open for negotiation beyond the basic rate. 4 gm/hr
Entertainment, Common Involves music, plays and various artistic expressions. 3 sm Entertainment, Good Involves music, plays and various artistic expressions. 1 gm Entertainment, Poor Involves music, plays and various artistic expressions. 5 cm
Inn, Common (per day) 5 sm Inn, Good (per day) 2 gm Inn, Poor (per day) 2 sm
Meals, Common (per day) 5 sm Meals, Good (per day) 2 gm Meals, Poor (per day) 2 sm
Meat, chunk of 3 sm Rations, trail (per day) 5 sm Rent, Apartment, Common (per day) 1 gm
Rent, Apartment, Good (per day) 3 gm Rent, Apartment, Poor (per day) 5 sm Wine, Common (pitcher) 2 sm
Wine, Fine (bottle) 10 gm