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Jungle Wilds Plant List

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Below are some of the flowers, fruits, and plants of the Jungle Wilds put into convenient list form.

File:Bloodcap_shroom.jpg Bloodcap Mushroom

Bloodcaps grow upon and around dead bodies. They are short, round-headed mushrooms with a red cap, and a stem like tree roots. Their caps are red, because they in fact store absorb and feed off of the blood of the corpse that they have grown around or upon. However, Bloodcaps are uncommon because they will only grow around a corpse with a significant amount of blood left to sustain them.

Bloodcaps can be consumed and have two effects if eaten. The first is that for Myrians who can subsist off of blood, it can stave off starvation, though doesn't have a particularl appealing taste. The second effect is that Bloodcaps enrich the blood and can be used to cleanse the body of any toxins or poisons. However this is not just as simple as eating the mushroom. If someone does in fact consume a Bloodcap to cleanse their body, they will cough up the poison as well as a portion of the tainted blood. The person will then need to rest for a time from the loss of blood.

The stem usually measures about 3 inches, and the cap has a diameter of around 4 inches.

File:Firecracker_flowers.jpg Firecracker Flowers

A medium sized flowering plant that grows anywhere to 3-6 feet in height. The leaves are large evergreens that are 7-22 inches long and 3-10 inches across. The plant is very sensitive to cold and will go into shock and eventually die if temperatures reach anything below 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. The flowers start off growing upright and as they are about to bloom (late winter/early spring) they flop over. They release a sweet smell resembling something of honey.

Firecracker Flowers are harmless and have no real purpose other than decoration and slight mischief. If one were to pluck one of the flower buds and throw it upon the ground, a quick pop will be produced. Popular amongst the youth of Falyndar for pranks a plenty and a quick scare. Pranks aside makes an excellent deodorant as well. Besides the popping noise it also releases a honey scent burst into the air.

File:Maia_berry.jpg Maia Berries

A large shrub that grows roughly 3-4 ft in height. The leaves are round teardrop shapes in bunches of four. Each one is an inch to inch and a half in a width. The underside is usually fuzzy to the touch and is a irritate if comes in contact with eyes, nose or mouth. Berries can be found on it year round but don't become ripe until early summer, of which it goes from a deep purple color to a bright red.

The Maia Berry is an annual but is usually avoided due to its poisonous nature. Nicknamed Jungle Rot or Jungle Death because if one is to consume the berries the experience horrible stomach cramps, internal bleeding and severe diarrhea. The berry produces a hemotoxin that breaks down tissue and after a slow and extremely pain, death usually follows unless an antidote is used.

File:Scaly_pinecone.jpg Scaly Pinecone

A parasitic vine that grows up the sides of huge trees in the forest. The leaves are fairly small and oval shaped only coming in at half an inch at the widest point. Mid-spring it produces a bright yellow bunch that looks similar to a giant pinecone. In the summer each little pocket opens up revealing a red fruit inside. At this point it is ripe and the whole thing can be eaten, just a matter of scaling the tree to get to them.

Scaly Pinecone's seeds are distributed by birds and monkeys who feed on the fruit and seeds are dropped by means of their waste. It doesn't take the seeds long to germinate and quickly start growing. Due to its small leaves it cant get adequate sunlight to support itself so it grows up a side of a tree and leeches its nutrients. Often times completely taking over a tree and killing it in the process. The fruit itself tends to between a sour and a sweet flavor resembling the flavor of oranges.

File:Xelma_flower1.jpg Xelma Flower

A flowering shrub that grows 8 ft in height under the right conditions. The leaves are a pale green with darker undertones underneath. Each leaf is shaped like that of a bird's foot and 3 inches in length. The Xelma flowers all summer long and is particularly fragrant at night, filling the air with a sweet pea smell. The shrub also produces purple round fruit in the winter time. The flesh will turn yellow when ripe and has a soft to firm, juicy interior filled with numerous seeds.

Due to its shape of the flower only a large bee, butterfly, hummingbird, and/or bat can truly pollinate it properly. The leaves and roots can be harvested and used dried or fresh to make teas. The tea can help with treat insomnia, hysteria, and epilepsy, and is also valued for its painkiller properties. Dried leaves can be smoked but are a very potent hallucinogen but some have claimed to be an antidepressant as well. The fruit can be eaten once peeled or can be mashed up and drank.