From Mizahar Lore
![]() | "I swear! It was huge! Five horses long it had to be and twice the size of a draft! Biggest lizard I ever saw!" - Nomad from Cyphrus |
Fauna | |
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Frequency | Uncommon to Rare |
Threat level | Low to Moderate |
Major features | Massive Lizards |
Abilities | Mild Regeneration, Exotic Mounts |
Most common in | Warm to Moderate Climates, None in Taldera |
Ixam are a type of giant lizard that can be found in nearly all regions of Mizahar save for Taldera. There are four known common species of Ixam classified by the environment they dwell in; Jungle, Desert, Plains and Mountain. Although sharing some common traits, each of the four species differs in many ways.
Contents |
While the exact origins of the Ixam are unknown, it is believed that they are descended from the monstrous creatures that once roamed the land in a time when the first humans were barely sentient. The Ixam used to exist in much greater numbers and in greater variety than they do in present day. As time has progressed, their populations have dwindled and their variety has been reduced to the four main species.
Before the Valterrian, the Ixam as a whole were almost extinct in most of Mizahar. In the centuries that have followed, their numbers have increased due in large part to the devastation the Valterrian wrought upon the humanoid races. With the loss of expansive civilizations and wide-spread humanoid travel, the Ixam have begun to recover and reclaim territory in the reshaped land.
Common Physiology
Although the different Ixam species can vary in size, color and temperament, they do share some common physiological traits; traits they also share to some degree with their common smaller reptile cousins.
Ixam possess highly developed color vision which not only allows them to locate food but also aids in communication. Ixam use body language and body color to communicate mood, find a mate and even to intimidate rivals. Ixam are less concerned about predators than common lizards are thus they often wear their more flamboyant colors openly.
Ixam also have a strong regenerative ability that allows them to heal minor to moderate tissue and bone damage. While Ixam have little need to shed their tails to help them escape from a predator catching their tail, their regeneration does help when they are hurt by the few creatures that may seek to make prey of them.
Ixam develop rather quickly. While they hatch from the egg at a relatively small size, their mass increases rapidly and dramatically. While a young Ixam may weigh roughly 5 lbs upon hatching, it can weigh nearly a ton by the time it’s an elder.
Ixam have an average lifespan of 75 years and are classified by age category as such:
Young – 0 to 5 Juvenile – 6 to 20 Young Adult – 21 to 40 Adult – 41 to 60 Elder – 61 to 75
General Traits
Ixam vary by species in their organizational makeup. Desert and Mountain Ixam are solitary, Jungle Ixam operate in packs while Plains Ixam are herd animals.
Ixam lay eggs like common lizards although their eggs are much larger being roughly the size of a double-sized head of lettuce with a soft, leathery shell. Generally they lay 2-3 eggs once every other year with the eggs usually laid in Spring while hatching over a year later in Summer. A mother Desert and Mountain Ixam will keep close to the eggs to protect them until they hatch before leaving the young alone. The Jungle Ixam eggs are left on their own while the Plains Ixam are protected by the herd until they hatch from which they will then be protected by the herd as they grow. Generally, Ixam are strong and very hardy with a couple of the species being mostly docile. They become more aggressive when hungry or thirsty and are harder to handle. .
Relationship with Humanoids
Ixam have had a historically mixed relationship with humanoids. Pre-Valterrian, Ixam were considered a dangerous threat to merchant caravans as their numbers were high and their existed Ixam species that hunted humans as a source of food. These huge, carnivorous hunters were eventually brought under control through near extermination. The massive size of the Ixam has always been something of an intimidation and fear factor for most humanoids leading to disastrous confrontations. Even the less aggressive Imax were once feared and attempts to eradicate them often ended with the hunters being seriously injured or killed which only added to the belief that the Ixam were terrible monsters in need of destruction.
After the Valterrian, the combination of divine destruction and human hunting left the Ixam in a terrible state. Only four species remained with any frequency and their numbers were small at best. As the centuries passed, the remaining Ixam recovered as did their relationship with humanoids. Finding themselves in terrible shape, the humanoid races of Mizahar began to see the Ixam as the lesser of the evils that roamed the land. In fact, they saw more beneficial uses for the giant creatures as mounts, companions and general transport.
Desert Ixam
The Desert Ixam is the second smallest of the four species of Ixam. It is exclusive to Eyktol where it is wanders the desert sands alone, meeting only with others of its kind to breed. The Desert Ixam has a short snout and a slight frill of rear-facing spines around its neck. The only real threat to the Desert Ixam is the Tsana due to their comparable size. Desert Ixam are not normally aggressive toward other creatures save for when they are competing for a mate or standing watch over their eggs.
Desert Ixam spend the days basking in the desert sun while spending the nights in shallow burrows dug in the sand. It is similar burrows that they lay their eggs in. Like other Ixam species, the Desert Ixam’s immense size requires them to be herbivorous as there isn’t enough prey large enough to feed on to the extent needed to sustain them. From the desert plants they eat, they also are able to acquire water. If the Desert Ixam finds itself in combat, they have large claws and a powerful, crushing bite to defend themselves with. Their front rows of teeth are sharp but not overly so; used mainly for tearing into cacti. The rest of their teeth are flatter and better suited to grinding and crushing plant material. The skin inside of their mouth is very tough as to help protect them against the spines of the various types of cacti they eat.
Estimated Population: 500 (wild), 100 (domesticated)
Age | Young | Juvenile | Young-Adult | Adult | Elder | |
Length | 4’ – 5’ | 5’- 7’ | 7’- 9’ | 9’-11’ | 11’-13’ | |
Height | 2.5’ | 3.5’ | 4.5’ | 5.5’ | 6.5’ | |
Width | 2.5’ | 3.5’ | 4.5’ | 5’ | 6’ | |
Weight | 65 lbs | 300 lbs | 800 lbs | 1,500 lbs | 2,500 lbs |
Color: Black and gold Diet: Desert fruit and a wide variety of cacti Organization: Solitary
Domestication: Desert Ixam have found use as mounts by a number of desert dwelling people. The Ixam’s ability to move quickly across the sands makes them a great choice for a mount. DI’s are capable of carrying around half of their own body weight without being encumbered and can carry 3/4 of their weight in gear and rider while moving at half speed. An unencumbered DI can run 40 mph in short bursts with a maintained speed of around 20 mph. They can drag up to 4 times their weight.
While the DI can be used as a pack animal, its best use is found as a mount. It can carry most average-sized humans with moderate gear without feeling a hint of encumbrance. Most riders use specially designed saddles that are simple and fit to form with a series of rings used to strap gear to. A special bridle is strapped to their head allowing maximized mobility. Reins attached to the bridle allow the rider to steer the Ixam in the desired direction. Riding an Ixam isn’t quite as smooth as riding a horse due to their unique gate and can take a good amount of practice to get used to. DI get along alright with other domesticated desert animals well enough however this doesn’t always work both ways.
Jungle Ixam
The Jungle Ixam is the smallest of the four species of Ixam. It is most commonly found in tropical regions with Falyndar being its primary habitat. There are instances of Jungle Ixam inhabiting various swamps near the coast of the Suvan Sea even as far as Kenash albeit in small numbers. Jungle Ixam general roam in packs of three to four of same or mixed genders. The Jungle Ixam has a medium-sized snout and large eyes. Their hide is smooth and their legs end in clawed, highly flexible toes that allow them to climb impossibly steep surfaces. They have shorter tails than other Ixam leaving most of their length in the trunk of their body. Their coloring is usually that of light to dark green with iridescent blue veins that are more prominent at night. Smaller than other types of Ixam, the JI’s find threats in the form various jungle and swamp predators such as crocodiles, large constrictor snakes, jungle cats to name a few. This has led the Ixam to travel in packs more out of a need for security than companionship.
Jungle Ixam, while not specifically nocturnal, are more active at night than they are during the day. They spend the days soaking in shallow streams to stay cool while using the nights to hunt and play. They dig burrows at the base of trees in which to lay their eggs. Then they cover the eggs in loose sticks, leaves and mud before leaving the eggs to fend for themselves. Unlike other Ixam species, the Jungle Ixam’s smaller size allows them to be carnivorous; feeding on fish, giant frogs, birds and other reptiles. If the JI finds itself in combat, they have large claws and a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth to defend themselves with. They also utilize a pack mentality often using tactics commonly found in wolves while hunting.
Estimated Population: 800 (wild), 100 (domesticated)
Age | Young | Juvenile | Young-Adult | Adult | Elder | |
Length | 2’ – 3.5’ | 4’- 6.5’ | 7.5’- 9’ | 10’-11,5’ | 12’-13.5’ | |
Height | 1.5’ | 3.5’ | 5.5’ | 6.5’ | 7’ | |
Width | 1.5’ | 2.5’ | 3’ | 4.5’ | 5’ | |
Weight | 40 lbs | 250 lbs | 750 lbs | 1,100 lbs | 1,900 lbs |
Color: Light to dark green with iridescent blue veins most common, other color morphs in deep jewel tones in and around Syka. Diet: Fish, large amphibians, reptiles, birds Organization: Pack
Domestication: Jungle Ixam have found less use as mounts than other Ixam due mainly to its smaller size, habitat and overall temperament. Even so, humanoids living in the jungle or in and around swamps have domesticated the occasional JI. The Ixam’s ability to move quickly and agilely through the jungle is prized by many who live there. Their hunting skills are also useful to their masters. JI’s are capable of carrying around half of their own body weight without being encumbered and can carry 3/4 of their weight in rider and gear while moving at half speed. They can drag up to 5 times their weight but will grow agitated and even aggressive if forced to do so for extended lengths of time. An unencumbered JI can run 50 mph in short bursts with a maintained speed of around 30 mph although in the jungle/swamp environment such maintained speeds are mostly useless.
The JI makes a very poor pack animal and does not do well when encumbered. It can carry most average-sized humans with little to no gear without feeling a hint of encumbrance. Most riders use specially designed saddles that are simple and fit to form. Such saddles have two handholds and two foot holds but lack any way to attached gear or other types of cargo. Specially designed bridles are strapped to the Ixam’s head while allowing maximum mobility. Riding a JI is not quite like riding other Ixam due to their smaller size and extreme agility. One holds on to hand-holds attached to the sides of the bridle. A simple tug to one direction or another can signal a trained JI to turn to the right or the left. Although uncommon, some larger JI have been able to adapt to less specialized saddles although such saddles do not allow for maximized agility and speed while riding. They do however allow for easier use with less time needed for the rider to adjust yet require a bit more training for the JI to adjust. JI do not get along with other domesticated animals very well and can be very aggressive if kept too close for too long.
Although in the wild, JI are pack-minded animals, when domesticated or raised from hatchling, this trait can be eliminated through the development of trust between the rider/handler and the ixam. JI adopt a pack mentality out of necessity as it ensures a greater quality of life and increased chances of survival in the jungle. When the JI realizes that its handler is more of a partner, it will no longer need a pack or anyone else other than its handler/rider.
Plains Ixam
The Plains Ixam is the second largest of the four species of Ixam. It is most commonly found throughout the Cyphrus Region and in some areas of Southern Sylira. Plains Ixam general roam in small herds of eight to twelve led by an alpha male accompanied by several females and a handful of young. The Plains Ixam has a short snout and an armored frill around the back of its head. Their hide is covered in short spiny scales and their legs end in clawed feet. They have short, powerful jaws with teeth made for grinding plant material. Their coloring is usually that of light to dark green, grey or dull blue although wilder colors have been observed.
Second in size only to the Mountain Ixam, the PI’s are threatened only by creatures large or fast enough to challenge them; glassbeaks being among the more common predators. Plains Ixam travel the grasslands of Cyphrus, grazing on grass and leaves from low-hanging tree branches. They will stop for the females to lay eggs in shallow burrows dug in the ground. The herd will then remain in the area until the eggs hatch and will then protect the young as they grow. They spend the days wandering the grasslands while grazing and will huddle up with each other at night to stay warm. Their immense size requires them to eat plant material to sustain themselves; a plentiful resource in the grasslands. If the PI finds itself in combat, the herd will close in together with the young in the center. Their armored scales create a very powerful shield against possible attack. If caught alone and away from the herd, an individual PI will curl up and lay down so that only its armored scales are accessible. Combined with its size, this makes the PI usually more trouble than its worth to prey upon.
Estimated Population: 1,500 (wild), 250 (domesticated)
Age | Young | Juvenile | Young-Adult | Adult | Elder | |
Length | 4’ – 6’ | 6’- 9’ | 9’- 13’ | 13’-17’ | 17’-21’ | |
Height | 3’ | 5’ | 6’ | 8’ | 10’ | |
Width | 3’ | 4’ | 4.5’ | 5’ | 6’ | |
Weight | 75 lbs | 450 lbs | 950 lbs | 1,600 lbs | 2,800 lbs |
Color: Varies greatly Diet: Grass and Leaves Organization: Herd
Domestication: Plains Ixam have found the most use in domestication compared to other Ixam. Their great size and docile nature makes them quite suitable for mounts, carrying goods and general labor. In fact, some Drykas Pavillions use PI’s alongside their horses. The drawback however to using a PI as a mount or other types of load carrying is that they are lumbering and slow. PI’s are capable of carrying twice their own body weight in riders, gear and goods without being encumbered and can carry three times their weight while moving at half speed. They can drag 8 times their weight. An unencumbered PI can run 25 mph in short bursts with a maintained speed of around 10. The most common saddles used with PI’s are very large and resemble wheel-less wagons or carriages. Drivers and/or riders can direct the PI in a way very similar to horses with the use of reins. Riding a JI is much like riding very large oxen. PI are very docile and get along quite well with other domesticated animals. Young PI are also found as pets among humanoid children.
Mountain Ixam
The Mountain Ixam are the largest of the four species of Ixam. They are most commonly found in the foothills and lowlands of Kalea. They are solitary creatures that meet with others of their kind only for the purpose of mating. The Mountain Ixam are massive beasts with long, serpentine-like bodies with smooth hides. They have powerful legs with long clawed feet. Their tails are long and are often used as weapons to swipe or bash prey and/or any being foolish enough to threaten them. They have long snouts with a row of long, sharp teeth followed by a row of flattened teeth. They are omnivorous, feeding both on lichen and moss that grows on trees as well as deer, boar, and just about any other comparable sized animal. Their coloring is usually that of light to dark green, black or dull grey in a mix of spotted and striped patterns. Other, brighter colors have been observed however they are less common.
The MI are considered apex predators in that nothing preys upon them. In the lands they roam they are usually the biggest creature alive. MI live alone. They lay eggs in shallow burrows often covered in stones stacked in a way that the burrow almost looks like a massive igloo of stone. They remain with their eggs until they hatch before leaving the young to fend for themselves. They spend the days basking on the rocks of the lowlands while using the night to hunt. The MI hunt by lying in wait, motionless for hours at a time. When would-be prey gets close enough, the MI will either swipe it with their massive tail or snap it up in its jaws. MI are docile save for when they are hungry and hunting but are somewhat more independent than other species of Ixam which lends to a bit of unpredictability and difficulty domesticating.
Estimated Population: 300 (wild), 50 (domesticated)
Age | Young | Juvenile | Young-Adult | Adult | Elder | |
Length | 5’ – 7’ | 7’- 10’ | 10’- 16’ | 17’-20’ | 21’-26’ | |
Height | 4’ | 6’ | 8’ | 10’ | 12’ | |
Width | 3.5’ | 5.5’ | 7.5’ | 8.5’ | 10’ | |
Weight | 150 lbs | 600 lbs | 1,200 lbs | 2,500 lbs | 3,500 lbs |
Color: Varies
Diet: A little of everything
Organization: Solitary
Domestication: Mountain Ixam have by far found the least use in domestication compared to other Ixam. Their independent nature makes them slow to accept a master and their tendency for hunger aggression makes them potentially dangerous. That being the said, the MI still find some use as mounts and pack animals among those peoples who inhabit the lowlands and foothills of Kalea. Their great size lends an intimidation factor to their riders as few would dare challenge someone riding on the back of a monstrous lizard. If caught as a young, juvenile or hatched from an egg, the MI is much easier to train than if it were older. Young-adults are average as far as training is concerned while adults and elders are nearly impossible to train if caught wild.
MI are capable of carrying their own body weight in riders and gear without being encumbered and can carry twice their weight while moving at half speed. An unencumbered MI can run 40 mph in short bursts with a maintained speed of around 20. The most common saddles used with MI’s are reminiscent of those used with horses albeit larger. Drivers and/or riders can direct the MI in a way very similar to horses with the use of reins. Riding a MI quite different from riding anything else as their body is too wide to straddle and they do not obey leg cues. Verbal commands and the use of reins is the primary way a rider directs their mount. MI are somewhat docile as long as they are well fed however they don’t get along well with other domesticated animals as they often view the smaller creatures as potential food.
Domesticated Ixam or Ixam that have been hatched and raised among humanoids, are prone to being less aggressive and easier to train than those who have established themselves in the wild. Training a domesticated Ixam is much like training a horse. They can be taught to obey verbal cues and can learn to be led by reins although leg cues are mostly useless due to the large size of the Ixam and the inability for the rider to actually straddle the creature’s back. Unlike horses, bits are not used. In their place, specially designed harnesses are strapped to their heads. These harnesses allow maximum mobility and comfort while offering the rider the use of reins; or in the case of the Jungle Ixam, special handholds.
Ixam respond very well to food offerings. As such, the use of food as reward for obedience during and even after training goes a long way with them. Also, the more food an Ixam is given, the more docile they remain.
Wild adult and elder Ixam are much more difficult to train and require immense patience and skill. Wild Mountain and Jungle Ixam are perhaps the most difficult to train as they are prone to attacking their trainers after becoming annoyed or tired of being poked and prodded. While food offerings can help make training a bit easier, it does not make it simple. When attempting to train a domesticated Ixam, the Horsemanship skill can be used however at one level less than the character actually has. So if someone is trying to train an Ixam with an L3 Horsemanship skill, they do so at an L2 capacity. However, if the character also has skill in Animal Husbandry with a focus on Ixam, they may use their Horsemanship skill at full capacity.
Keeping an Ixam of any species requires some amount of accommodation. First, due to their size, they require a large amount of food and water. Except for the Jungle Ixam, the others are perfectly capable of surviving and thriving off of plant material. The Mountain Ixam however does do better when meat is included in its diet.
As a type of reptile, Ixam are unable to regulate their own body temperature. They must be allowed to bask in the sun to both warm themselves and digest their food, and be given or allowed to find shelter from the cold.
As they grow rather quickly and will often shed their skin (usually once a year), it is not a good idea to keep their harnesses and saddles on for lengthy periods of time.
When choosing to hatch Ixam eggs, one will want to be sure not to allow them to become too hot or too cold.
Goods and Trade
Ixam have many uses among the humanoid races of Mizahar. Fortunately for the Ixam, being used as food is not usually one of them. Ixam meat has something of a sour taste and is rather tough making it rather undesirable to most. Their scales are however popular when used in jewelry, clothing and armor. This is where the Ixam again are fortunate in that they shed their scales once a year making killing one for its hide quite a waste. Shed scales maintain their durability and in the case of older Ixam are somewhat stronger. Armor made from Ixam scales offers the benefits of light weight mixed with solid protection.
Ixam Scales - Ixam scales can be used in jewelry, clothing and to adorn just about anything. They are colorful, durable and lightweight. The sizes vary but are generally between the size of an average human thumbnail to about as big around as an average human head. The price varies for scales but they are not all that easy to find. Uncommon to rare in availability for Plains and Desert Ixam scales and rare to very rare for Mountain and Jungle Ixam scales. Usually, the most any trader may have at any one time is enough scales to adorn a single outfit. Price can vary between 1 gm and 100 gm depending on the amount and type of scales desired. Harder to find equals more mizas.
Ixam Scale Armor - This armor is light in weight and offers protection equal to that of the armor made from thicker animal hides. It is constructed of larger and smaller scales in a variety of decorative patterns. It provides moderate protection from blade, blunt and projectile weapons. Ixam Scale Armor is uncommon to rare. 150 gm
Elder Ixam Scale Armor - Crafted from the scales of an elder Ixam, this armor is as light as regular Ixam Scale Armor but offers protection equal to banded mail. It is however much more expensive than normal Ixam armor and very difficult to find for sale. It is rare to very rare. 400 gm
Ixam eggs are rare to find for sale with most having to be gathered in the wild except in the case of the Plains Ixam and to a lesser extent the Desert Ixam as there are more domesticated individuals of these two species. The danger involved in capturing eggs makes the price and availability extreme. Few would dare risk stealing eggs from the watchful eye of a mother Mountain Ixam. Despite their rarity and expense, eggs can be found on occasion. Young, juvenile and young-adult Ixam may be found for sale in the regions they are most commonly found in the wild. These are slightly less rare than the eggs but rare nonetheless. Plains Ixam find the most availability due to the greater numbers of domesticated herds.
Desert Ixam are less available than the Plains Ixam but still possible to find. Jungle Ixam are seldom found for sale as they are usually caught and/or raised among various jungle tribes who usually choose not to give them up. Mountain Ixam are almost never found for sale and even if they are it is usually only young and juvenile ones as they are the easiest to maintain and easiest to catch since the mother leaves them after they emerge from the egg.
Except where specially noted in the Availability section of the listings below, all Ixam from Egg to Elder follow these Availabilities (Note that when Ixam are available for sale, they are only available in the regions they are normally found in the wild. NA means Not Available):
Desert = Rare, Jungle = Very Rare, Plains = Uncommon, Mountain = Exceptionally Rare.
Age | Egg | Young | Juvenile | Young-Adult | Adult | Elder | |
Cost (D/J/P/M) in gm | 200/400/150/1,000 | 250/450/200/1,200 | 400/700/350/2,000 | 800/1,800/600/4,000 | 1,500/2,500/1,000/8,000 | 3,000/4,500/2,500/16,000 | |
Availability (D/J/P/M) | Default | Default | Default | VR/ER/R/NA | ER/NA/VR/NA | NA/NA/ER/NA |
Ixam are almost never found for sale inside the confines of a city. Their size and care requirements as well as their general intimidation factor require them to be sold on the outskirts of a city away from the larger population. Merchants dealing in the sales of Ixam or Ixam related items are not easy to come by. Most who do deal in Ixam have a small, limited collection of animals on hand and available with almost all them being Juvenile or younger. Those listed as having Very Rare or Exceptionally Rare availabilities are not normally found readily for sale. Ixam with such availability are usually offered under unique circumstances with the most common being that the would-be customer agrees to assist the seller in actually capturing the desired Ixam. The seller knows where to find such an Ixam but needs the customer’s help in getting it (in other words, this requires a short but substantial quest either moderated or signed off on by a storyteller). In these instances, the cost remains attached to the deal as the seller wants compensation for their time and risk involved.
Equipment and Gear
Barding – Although barding is seldom used with an Ixam, it is possible for them to accommodate certain types and certain amounts of it. Whenever barding is used on an Ixam, it covers only the areas that would not hinder its movement or comfort. Thus barding around the head, shoulders and legs is most common. Ixam will not normally accept barding that is heavier than chain and even then only the Jungle and Plains Ixam have been known to tolerate it. Usually padded or leather barding is used. Occasionally, one may wish to spicen up their barding with spikes or blades of some sort. Such attachments are fitted on the barding in a way that won’t bring serious risk of harm to the Ixam wearing them. When worn however, the Ixam’s legs, head and tail tips become deadly weapons in close-quarter combat.
Padded Barding | Leather Barding | Hide Barding | Studded Leather Barding | Chain Barding | Blade/Spike Enhancements | |
40 gm | 80 gm | 120 gm | 200 gm | 1,200 gm | x 1.5 base barding cost |
Bridles/Blankets – Ixam bridles come in three varieties, one includes reins, the other includes handles. The handle bridle is primarily used with Jungle Ixam as they do not normally respond to reins. The handles are used to steer the Ixam in the direction the rider wants them to go. By pulling on one side over another, the Jungle Ixam will move in the direction being pulled just as other Ixam respond to reins. There are no bits used with the bridles as Ixam always respond negatively to them. Handle Bridle: 6 gm, Rein Bridle: 4 gm
Blankets for Ixam are not normally needed unless one enters a place with a climate cold enough to harm the Ixam. As they require outside sources of heat to warm their bodies, a blanket can come in handy for the short term. It is not advised to keep an Ixam in cold temperatures for extended periods of time. 20 gm
Saddles – Ixam saddles vary greatly in style based on the culture and region in which the Ixam is found in. While style may change, general form and structure remain the same. All saddles are strapped to the Ixam in a manner that allows maximized movement and comfort.
Jungle Ixam Saddle – The JI saddle is very simplified with little need for extravagance. Its size and design is such that a rider effectively lies on the back of the Ixam. The saddle is made of very light, padded leather and has two small pockets on either side to support the rider’s feet. There are two small straps toward the front of the saddle that serve as handholds. There is little to no space granted for carrying gear as it would only get in the way of the JI moving through the thick jungles and swamps. 25 gm
Desert Ixam Saddle – The DI saddle resembles a cut down horse saddle though much bigger. There are a number of rings attached to various straps that allow for saddlebags and other gear to be strapped on. There are two handholds made of thick leather and steel located near the spot where a saddlehorn would be on a horse saddle. There are stirrups for the feet. 40 gm
Plains Ixam Saddle – The PI saddle looks much like the DI saddle except that it has more rings and more straps for carrying saddlebags and gear. Like the DI saddle, the PI saddle also has two handholds at the front of the saddle and stirrups for the feet. 40 gm
Plains Ixam Carriage Saddle – The PI are often saddled with small, carriage like structures that serve many functions. Some use these saddles for small living arrangements while others pack them with gear. Just as their name implies, these saddles look like small carriages carried on the back of the PI. They are usually crafted from materials such as wood, animal hides and/or bone and have four walls, a roof and sometimes a tiny window or two. There is a small hatch/door offering entry and exit. The interior of the carriage saddle is somewhat smaller than a typical one-room cottage but does allow one or two people some amount of light comfort. There is enough room for two small to medium-sized people, a small one or two person cot and a chest. 300 gm
Mountain Ixam Saddle – The MI saddle resembles the saddles used with the Desert and Plains Ixams complete with handholds and stirrups. There are numerous rings and straps for saddlebags and gear. 40 gm
Saddlebags – Saddlebags for Ixam come in two sizes, small and large. They are much like the saddlebags used with horses although they are larger. Small: 8 gm, Large: 16 gm
Saddlepad – As with horses, Ixam need a pad placed between the saddle and their skin to reduce the rubbing and irritation that the saddle can cause. These are basically oversized horse saddlepads treated with a variety of natural oils to make them comfortable for the Ixam. 2 gm
Pull Harness – A special harness is needed for an Ixam to effectively pull a load behind it. Pull harnesses are only available for Desert, Plains and Mountain Ixam and consist of a special hardened leather post that straps to the back of the saddle. Ropes and straps are tied to the post and extend out many yards behind the Ixam (length depends on the size of the Ixam) and attached to whatever load is in need of pulling. Pull harnesses, while effective to some degree, are not reliable when speed is a factor. Thus they are primarily used with Plains Ixam. 4 gm