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Ervis Revine

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Ervis Revine

Ervis Revine
Date of birth447 AV (aged 76)
Place of birthRiverfall
TitleGeneral of The Rising Dawn

Ervis Revine is a bit of a mystery. He joined The Rising Dawn not long after Siriana first founded it, coming to her and offering to help without asking for anything in return. There were many in the order who didn't trust him, but he had never actually done anything to cast any doubt on himself.

In truth, Ervis is a maledictor who is only helping the Rising Dawn in order to kill The Voice or, if he is lucky, Rhysol himself, so that he can use their body parts to create powerful legacies such as those seen in pre-valterrian times. His methods are a bit more crude than what other members of the Rising Dawn prefer, but he gets the job done, and has never betrayed them.

Ervis was born in Riverfall, but didn't stay there long. He was the son of Drykas parents, and was born in the city only because that was where his mother happened to be when she gave birth. Ervis was a sickly child, and his mother and father were unable to travel with him, so the first five years of his life he lived in Riverfall. Once he was healthy enough to be moved, his parents took him home, but he was never healthy enough to become a warrior or hunter. He took up carving, at first, but eventually he left his home and traveled to the city of Alvadas where he began to learn magic. After that, his story is a bit of a mystery. His health problems went away by the time he was an adult, but other than that, little is known of his travels until he popped up again in Ravok assisting the Rising Dawn.