From Mizahar Lore
![]() | "There is only one thing on the Grasslands we fear. They can run faster than our horses and fight harder than our warriors. Glassbeaks are deadly, and we kill them wherever we find them... if we can. The nests are easier. We roast their eggs and grow fat on their children. Their beaks and claws we carve, so that we never forget the dangers these animals present." - Neviath Lyvakin, Drykas Scout |
Fauna | |
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Frequency | Common in Sea of Grass |
Threat level | High |
Major features | Glass-like razor sharp beak and talons |
Abilities | 60 mph plus on flat ground running |
Most common in | Sea of Grass, Cyphrus |
The Glassbeak (pl. Glassbeaks) is a large, flightless predatory bird commonly found in the sea of grass. Hunting in packs, they fiercely defend their territories, which in some cases involve random raids upon Drykas settlements. They are known to be the top predators in these parts of Mizahar.
Contents |
Glassbeaks are massive, powerful, flightless birds that resemble ostriches and emus in form, but are more akin to the prehistoric Phorusrhacids in nature and size. They stand at around 7-8 feet tall on average, and weigh anywhere from 250-400 lbs, though some particularly large specimens that reach up to 9 feet tall and around 500 lbs in weight are known to exist.
Glassbeaks possess enormous hooked beaks with a strong, bony boss occasionally adorning the top. The most notable feature about it is the translucent coloring that gives it the appearance of glass, hence the name. These beaks are highly sought after by Drykas and Akalak craftsmen who fashion them into all sorts of material ranging from trinkets to handiware to weapons.
They have thick, powerful legs with sharp, transparent, sickle-like talons for each of their three toes which they use for long distance running, as well as kicking and holding down prey. These legs allow them to run up to 60 mph, allowing them to chase down almost every kind of prey there is in the sea of grass.
The plumage is vibrantly colorful and varied, being dependent largely on the particular habitat which every pack or individual thrives in. They take on the coloring of their surroundings, giving them excellent camouflage against any environment despite their large size. Their plumage however, is limited to their torso, wings and back; small, tough, almost transparent scales adorn their face, neck, chest and leg areas instead.
History and Overview
Before the Valterrian the Glassbeak have been exclusive to the once dense forests that surround Taloba and the fringes of Cyphrus. They had been much smaller, ranging from around 5-6 feet tall, and fed on small animals that they hunted in a very different way than they now do. The cataclysmic events that shifted the land during Ivak's wrath had forced these creatures to migrate and adapt to living in the open, grassy plains, and as such developed into even fiercer, faster, larger predators that required virtually no amount of hiding to hunt down prey.
Glassbeaks are the most notorious predators in the realm of Cyphrus. Savage, powerful and possessing some measure of intelligence, they often hunt in small packs of around 3 to 4 individuals, traveling very fast from one area of the plains to the other. They are known to be ambush hunters when alone, and wily, persistent ones in groups. Capable of running faster than even the wild horses of Cyphrus, few creatures can outrun these giant birds, and even fewer can defend against them. They have no natural enemies in their habitat, aside from the Drykas and Akalaks that hunt them both for sport and pest control.
These huge birds are fiercely territorial and protective of everything that comes within its scope. Deaths among males fighting over mates and pack supremacy are very common occurrences, and the survivors are often left maimed or badly wounded enough to be easily killed by other potential alpha males. When a takeover ensues, the eggs of the vanquished former alpha are often eaten or destroyed, in the same manner that lions kill the cubs of other males.
Glassbeaks are first and foremost carnivorous predators. They feed on whatever they can catch: smaller birds, fish, rodents, large mammals, etc. The remains of other carnivorous animals such as Snarlwing and large dogs have also been found in slain Glassbeak bellies. They also feed on each other, especially during hatching stages.
Wild Cyphrus horses are also part of its food system, which often leads these creatures into direct confrontations with the Drykas and Akalak who tame them for domestic purposes. These can be bloody and savage fights, and a Glassbeak would not hesitate to kill and eat either sentient specie.
Despite being the true apex predator in the Sea of Grass, the Glassbeak is not above scavenging and omnivorous tendencies, feeding on rotting matter as well as some types of vegetation especially during winter. They are known to roam around deserted battlefields, feeding on carrion and the unfortunate wounded lying in the grass. This helps maintain the ecological balance in the vast expanse of the sea of grass, preventing plagues and other diseases from spreading
Reproduction and Social structure
There are no complicated hierarchies in Glassbeak packs. There is the Alpha male, and there are several females. The females all act as guardians for the eggs, while the male leads the younglings on pack hunts. These Alphas are fiercely defensive of anything they consider their own, and are known to kill young Glassbeaks that try to share its food or mate with one of its females.
Sexual activity is rather random, depending on the readiness of the females. When they are in estrus, they change colors vividly and that cues the males that a female is ready to breed.
The male gathers in front of the female and dance for her - a lot like some species of grouse do. The female mates with the male that most impresses her with his dancing, and then often stays in that pack to form a permanent harem.
Female gestation is very fast, and they can produce around 4 broods a year, consisting of around 10 hatchlings. These eggs are very large, about 8 inches long and an inch thick.
Out of character note: Glassbeak Kelvics require special permission from the Help Desk. |